Voted Best Answer
Jan 12, 2015 - 05:09 PM
Ok, I just finished reading this and first of all, thanks for your reply. I see you had one “thumbs down” and just to let you know, that was not me. The second thumbs down was.
I do not see a false god as being a real living entity and I hope you don’t either. I do recognize God as real, as I believe you do also. I just can’t agree with the things you are saying as being true.
I don’t agree that God wanted all along for His people to be led astray. The bible tells us that we go astray on our own, all we like sheep have gone astray. This is not what God’s purpose is for His people, for His people to go astray. I’m sorry, but unless I twist scripture around, I can’t get that!
Who are God’s people because the bible tells me that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ living in them, that person does not belong to Him. Those that do have His Spirit belong to Him. They are his people and He will never lead us astray. A person goes astray on their own, not by God’s design or purpose.
You say that God is using evil to correct us, and to perfect us? By “us” you cannot be possible thinking that these are people who have been born of God’s Spirit? A person who has been born of God’s Spirit is no longer under the influence and control of evil. That person is now under the influence of God’s Spirit.
How can you expect someone to believe that God is using evil to correct us and perfect us. He is not using evil to correct me or perfect me. It is His Spirit that dwells in me that He uses to correct me and perfect me. There is no evil that can correct me. I might choose to do evil, but it is not of God for His purpose of correcting me. If I choose to do evil, it is His Spirit that brings conviction and corrects me, not the evil.
You say that we have been lied to by the leaders of the denominations? Which ones, all of them? I will never agree to that. I am not so gullible as to believe that they are all telling the truth, but you make it sound as though they are all liars.
Even if they were all corrupt as you say, and they were all liars, do we not each of us have the responsibility to test the things they say and teach? Can you honestly tell me that you have sat in and listened to the teachings of every pastor out there and tested their teachings with scripture and found that they were all corrupt and false? I don’t think so. However, you seem as though we should all avoid any form of Christian fellowship, because no pastor can be trusted. Is that what you are saying? Do you fellowship with other believers anywhere? I don’t need to know where, I’m just looking for a yes or no.
If you don’t trust none of them or any pastors in what you call the “denominational church system” and you simply choose to stay at home and study scripture on your own, I can’t fault you for that. If that is the case, then you are a denomination of one!
I agree with you that God will prove Himself to us individually, and He does. And you are right, He does not use a group of faulty men to prove anything to us. God does not need faulty men, or any man for that matter to prove anything of God to us. It is God Himself through His word that proves things to us. And no, I cannot sit here with a good conscience and tell you that pastors, priests and bishops are not corrupted. I cannot even sit here with a good conscience and say that you yourself are not corrupted.
There is corruption out there but not by all as you make it sound.
You say the true church are those who are taught directly by God? I say that the true church are all those who have been born of God’s Spirit. It is true that His Spirit is given to us to lead, guide, and teach us. That is true. But it is also true that God has placed in the church pastors/teachers to minister and teach His word to us. This does not relieve us from our responsibility to take what these men are teaching and testing it with God’s word. But to say that they are all wrong and corrupt is a false assumption.
You said that “All you can do is explain the best you can and wait for the people to catch up.” What are we to catch up to? Are we to catch up to the things you believe God has revealed to you and what you are attempting to reveal to us? Is that what we are to catch up to? Are we really that far behind? Oh my!
If God has given you all this knowledge that you are sharing here, He hasn’t given it to me. I praise Him for what knowledge He does give me, even if it is just a little. He has given me His Spirit to discern the things I hear and read. He has given me His word in written form for me to read and study. Right now, I am content with where He has me and I know that I cannot move forward spiritually unless He allows me to do so.
Did God truly create all things for His purpose? I believe He did! However, not all things that we see and know are from Him. There are plenty of things out there that are a perverted imagination of the evil mind of man! Those things are not of God!
Thanks for the scriptures!
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