Voted Best Answer
Dec 02, 2014 - 03:12 PM
I’m with you! These are words that you really don’t hear very often. In fact, because we are English speaking people, we say Jesus, not Yeshua, even though Yeshua is His name. That would probably explain why we don’t hear people calling Him Yeshua very often. Jesus is just the English word that we get from Yeshua. Whether a person calls Him Yeshua or Jesus, it is still saying the same name. And it is true that we don’t hear the word Torah very often even though it has been around much longer than the word bible has.
Since Torah is not a commonly used word amongst Christians, many people to this day have never heard it or even know what the Torah is. I can tell you that the first time I heard the word Torah, I thought that it was the entire Old Testament. It wasn’t until I asked that I found out that it is only the first 5 books of the Hebrew Old Testament, the Law, which is also the first 5 books of our English bibles.
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