Unbelievably, there are many un-churched children in the Bible Belt
One of the organizations that my husband and I contribute to is Bible Tracts, Inc. Every month, the executive director (Pastor Mark Smith) sends a letter to donors, and in August, he related a disturbing fact. Here's what he said:
"This summer I spent four weeks in youth camps (IL, IA, GA). The final two weeks in Georgia were spent among the gnats, grits, and a large percentage of unchurched young people. Half of the junior age campers in the final week had never heard John 3:16 or 'Jesus Loves Me' prior to the first Bible session. Remember, this is in Georgia, the Bible-belt!
"Our nation really is suffering from a dearth of the gospel of Christ. Please, let us all renew ourselves not just to vote in elections, but let us renew ourselves to be gospel tellers. Let's be sharing tracts as part of our daily experience."
The August newsletter, which I received today, included the following camp report:
"Thank you for all your prayers for this summer's camping ministry. I spoke in camps in IL, IA, and GA. I used the themes of 'My Way or God's Way' and 'World-Class Kids' in my speaking time. God was gracious in allowing us to see a number of salvation decisions.
"The Flying Eagle Ranch (GA) focuses on un-churched kids. Almost half of the campers from my last week there had never heard 'Jesus Loves Me' before or heard of John 3:16. Many of these young people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus."
The newsletter also had the following statistics from a 2013 survey of un-churched in America:
* One out of 5 un-churched in America do not know any Christians.
* 83% said they would go to a church service if one of their friends invited them.
Open Sep 01, 2014 - 08:27 AM
camp, children, Bible belt, witnessing, tracts, gospel
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